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Rev. William A. Baker IV is a native of Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. His family and the loving saints at his childhood church (Clark Memorial Baptist Church) were the first to encourage his calling to preach the gospel. After high school William left home and journeyed to Oral Roberts University in Tulsa Oklahoma where he received his bachelor’s degree in New Testament Theology. It was also at Oral Roberts that he met the love of his life Mrs. Denise Baker. They have three wonderful sons Uriah, Noah, and William.

After his Undergraduate studies William and Denise returned to Pittsburgh and began to serve in the work of the Lord. William was ordained at the Mt. Carmel Baptist Church, North Versailles, Pa. under Rev. Barbara Gunn, and he completed his Masters of Divinity at the Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary. In 2011 Rev. Baker was called to pastor the Mt. Olive Baptist Church Rankin, PA where he served as the senior pastor for 9 years. 

Now God has called Pastor Baker into a new and adventurous season of ministry with the launch of William Baker Ministries, a platform where he can engage Christ Followers and Everyday People to understand, pursue, and enjoy a holistic relationship with God through faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ. William Baker Ministries is rooted in the Gospel and reaching the globe in the 21st century.

Will you come and partner with Rev. Will and help him impact the world with the Good News of the Savior.


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